Mrs Clean Ky
02600 ESPOO
Mrs Clean Ky - Ammattitaitoiset siivouspalvelut koteihin ja yrityksiin
Tarjoamme laadukkaita siivouspalveluja sopimuksen mukaan Espoo - Vantaa - Helsinki - Kirkkonummi alueella.
Palveluihimme kuuluu mm;
- Kotisiivoukset
- Ravintolasiivoukset
- Toimistosiivoukset
- Säännölliset siivoukset
The people of Mrs. Clean definitely love their job!
Mrs. Clean was established in 2018. The founder of this company has an unmatched passion for cleaning — a passion that has driven her to put up a business that would make both her and her customers happy. Considering that we spend one third of our lives at work, it is tremendously fulfilling to follow your passion. And that is exactly the foundation that makes this company as great as it is. To follow one’s passion is wonderful. Remember, just as the saying goes “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” And the people of Mrs. Clean definitely love their job!
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